Core Values

Our core values answer, “Why do we do what we do?” They are at the foundation of our organization.


On St. John you’ll find history under every rock, on every beach, and on every trail.  It’s everywhere to those who take time to notice. St. John Historical Society maintains an archive of the Society’s collections, records, and other pertinent published and or written materials relating to the history and cultural heritage of St. John.


The St. John Historical Society supports and encourages the preservation and protection of objects, structures, traditions, and features of historic, cultural, or archeological value to the island of St. John.


The St. John Historical Society Board and members are neighbors, landowners, and community members.  They collaborate with the people and businesses in the St. John community to document and preserve their unique history and share this with the world. The SJHS encourages, assists and supports the development of historical and cultural-heritage programs and events in cooperation with local museums, libraries, schools, and other public and private groups or institutions, and fosters participation in all of the activities. They act in cooperation with the Virgin Islands National Park as well as other historical, cultural and archaeological institutions or organizations.


The SJHS values education and specifically historical education. Much of what they do is focused on sharing what they learn. A major goal is always to increase the knowledge, awareness and understanding of St. John’s history and cultural heritage by such means as lectures, seminars, field trips, hikes, consultations, special educational programs and events. The SJHS Board is currently building an educational program specifically designed for the local schools.