Hot Steel at Cruz Bay
If you want to hear the real driving steel drums of the U.S. Virgin Islands, you ignore the big bored bands of the tourist hotels and look for a swinging bunch of amateurs in a small town bar or dance hall. One such steel band is Charlie Prentice’s “Hot Shots.” They play Thursday and Saturday nights at Eric Christian’s “Hilltop,” perched on the side of a hill overlooking the town of Cruz Bay on the island of St. John.

Marie Richards in Folklore Melodies
From the Virgin Islands comes songs and melodies composed, played, and sung by Marie Richards, who through her untiring efforts to help her fellow man, as a nurse lost her sight. Even though she has been blind for many years, she wears a smile and is always willing to give a helping hand when she can. Marie is often seen at charitable affairs dressed in her Carnival costume beating her drum or strumming her guiter and singing her folk songs which are so near to her heart. The songs are about the food the Virgin Islanders enjoy, places in the Islands, Carnival & History of the Islands.