Rafe Boulon
Rafe is a St. Johnian whose family owned Trunk Bay from 1927 to 1957 when they sold it to the National Park Service. Windswept Beach remains in the family. He has a Bachelors Degree in Marine and Environmental Science from the College of the Virgin Islands and a Master’s Degree in Biological Oceanography from the University of Puerto Rico. He worked for 18 years at the VI Division of Fish and Wildlife and after 14 years recently retired (January 2013) from his position as Chief of Resource Management and Science for the VI National Park and the VI Coral Reef National Monument. Living at Windswept Beach, Rafe has been married to Kimberly Boulon for over 40 years and they have two sons, Devon and Revel, both of whom are married with children of their own.
For many years Mr. Boulon served as a Representative and National Park Service Liaison to the SJHS Board. Currently he is serving on the Board as Historian.